Welcome, to the board nolongerwaiting.
Great first post. You completely got to the core of the issue and nailed it, which is pretty impressive for your first post.
I agree with you about the JW mindset transferring over to other issues in life. Take my mother for example. (I mean really, someone please take my mother!)
She was the one who first began studying with the JW's the year I was born and initiated the family into the JW organization. However, through the years she has continually spent many, many thousands of dollars on alternative medicines. Some are probably just over-priced herbs and tonics that don't do any harm. Others have been obviously quackery and she has been scammed out of many thousands over a lifetime. The problem is her. She is always looking for the quick fix, the miracle cure, that will solve all her problems without her actually having to do any work to take care of her health, like eating properly and exercising regularly.
She is also getting more and more fearful as she gets into old age, because she can't come to terms with aging and death. She just keeps spending more and more money on anti-aging miracles. She will die penniless and afraid. She also constantly feeds her mind on the news and true murder shows. Thats all she watches (besides home shopping network). She always has a horrible story to tell about how awful the world is. It completely validates her WTBTS viewpoint. I tell her that the reason those events make the news is because they are statistical anomalies. They get ratings because they are unusual. You won't hear about the billions of people every day, who went to work, took care of their families and did nice things to help each other, on the news.
When people refuse to look at facts and logic, there is always some type of emotional hook for them or payoff that is over-riding reason and is stronger than the human need for things to make rational sense. If you can discover what that is and address that issue, then you have a better chance of reaching them.
I look forward to hearing more from you.